Windows App
Online App

Supplement Tab
Lists all supplements for a given re-issue.
Lists all supplements for a given re-issue.

Color Coding
Color coding makes it easy to identify pieces of item information. Blue is for articles, red is for rules, green is for packages, yellow is for notes and teal is for carriers. The color reflects in the tables, hyperlinks and header bars for each item.
Color coding makes it easy to identify pieces of item information. Blue is for articles, red is for rules, green is for packages, yellow is for notes and teal is for carriers. The color reflects in the tables, hyperlinks and header bars for each item.

A comprehensive listing of every item in the NMFC. Each item includes the class, description and any applicable sub-groups, notes, rules and packaging requirements.
A comprehensive listing of every item in the NMFC. Each item includes the class, description and any applicable sub-groups, notes, rules and packaging requirements.

To make navigation through the system easier, FastClass has a powerful search engine that allows you to search on words, item numbers and SCAC codes.
To make navigation through the system easier, FastClass has a powerful search engine that allows you to search on words, item numbers and SCAC codes.

Previous/Next Item
This allows you to page through the NMFC item by item, as you were reading through the book.
This allows you to page through the NMFC item by item, as you were reading through the book.

Shipment Date
Allows you to go back several years and see what the classifications were on a certain date and determine which class was charged. Each year, this database will continue to expand as classifications and rates change. Information is available dating back to January 1, 1997.
Allows you to go back several years and see what the classifications were on a certain date and determine which class was charged. Each year, this database will continue to expand as classifications and rates change. Information is available dating back to January 1, 1997.

Provides a description of the commodities as well as an item number and class. The NMFC uses the word “Articles” to refer to items and commodities listed in its classification.
Provides a description of the commodities as well as an item number and class. The NMFC uses the word “Articles” to refer to items and commodities listed in its classification.

A user-friendly interface that includes charts, graphs and drawings to help explain the definitions, specifications, classifications, regulations and procedures relating to the trucking industry.
A user-friendly interface that includes charts, graphs and drawings to help explain the definitions, specifications, classifications, regulations and procedures relating to the trucking industry.

Outlines the requirements and specifications for shipping containers and the proper shipment of commodities.
Outlines the requirements and specifications for shipping containers and the proper shipment of commodities.

Carrier Listing
Provides details on participating carriers, based on their service (i.e., interstate, intrastate, TL, LTL, brokers, etc.) SCAC codes, names, domicile and operating certificate number are also provided.
Provides details on participating carriers, based on their service (i.e., interstate, intrastate, TL, LTL, brokers, etc.) SCAC codes, names, domicile and operating certificate number are also provided.

Allows you to designate a “common” word or phrase to reference a more complicated word. (Note: This option only works within the Word Search.)
Allows you to designate a “common” word or phrase to reference a more complicated word. (Note: This option only works within the Word Search.)

Start Options
Allows you to select which functions are loaded at startup.
Allows you to select which functions are loaded at startup.

Density Calculator
This simple density calculator allows you to calculate densities that may be needed for the classification of freight.
This simple density calculator allows you to calculate densities that may be needed for the classification of freight.

Info Menu Item
Only information in the NMFC that is related to an Item Number is included in the Search and Index options. This pull-down lists all of the informational pages and forms in the NMFC book.
Only information in the NMFC that is related to an Item Number is included in the Search and Index options. This pull-down lists all of the informational pages and forms in the NMFC book.

Print articles as shown on screen.
Print articles as shown on screen.

FastClass has a very comprehensive Help file.
FastClass has a very comprehensive Help file.

Allows you to cut and paste specific fields (i.e. Class, Item, Number, etc.) directly into your billing system or into a file.
Allows you to cut and paste specific fields (i.e. Class, Item, Number, etc.) directly into your billing system or into a file.