BatchMark XL
for Carriers

BatchMark® XL Speeds Rate Analysis for Carriers

Carriers analyze against multiple tariffs

The pressure is on carriers to move faster, manage smarter and plan more accurately when it comes to less-than-truckload (LTL) freight bill rating. Relief comes in the form of BatchMark® XL, a rapid rating tool that empowers transportation decision-making through analytical insights.

Choose from two flexible analytic workflows; Guided Analysis or Custom Analysis to evaluate “what if” scenarios and determine the business impact of program changes.

  • Conduct rate analyses against multiple tariffs, including density-based rates
  • Run “what if” scenarios against multiple tariffs
  • Rerate against multiple tariffs using historical data

Lay the foundation for General Rate Increases (GRIs)BatchMark® XL accesses the SMC³ pricing library of more than 4,000 tariffs, including CzarLite® base rates. With its own user interface independent of other systems, BatchMark® XL returns a customizable user-friendly template to facilitate analytics.

Additional Offerings for Carriers


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